How we win in 2024: research and analysis


Young voters are essential deciders in the 2024 election.

55% of the 2020 electorate was made up of Gen Z, millennial, and Gen X voters. Democrats won because these voters favored Joe Biden over Donald Trump by 20 points. And in 2022, younger voters heavily favored Democrats, while voters over 43 tipped toward Republicans.

A table showing the percentage of voters voting Democrat by age. Ages 18-29: 65%; Ages 30-34: 58%; Ages 44+: 44%

But among younger voters, support for Democrats is eroding.

A table that compares the 2022 Democratic vote to the percentage who prefer Democrats today by age. Today the percentage of people who prefer Democrats today has decreased by 6% among those aged 18-29 and 7% among those aged 30-34


We’ll reach younger voters where they’re already spending time.

Time spent with traditional media continues to decline: Traditional TV only reaches up to 50% of an average audience. However, 75% of U.S. households are reachable through connected TV, up from 44% in 2019.

A pie chart showing 50%


Average reachable audience


A pie chart showing 75%

Reachable U.S. households

We’ll partner with the people our audience already listens to.

Sixty-two percent of social media users under the age of 40 report that they are more open to considering new ideas from influencers than from advertising.

Our existing network of influencers and public figures can reach 130 million voters across the U.S.